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Health Sciences Center Library Administration Introduces Databases


Under auspices and in presence of the Vice President of Health Sciences Center Professor Adel Al-Hunayan, Health Sciences Center Library Administration (HSCLA) at Kuwait University organized an activity involving exhibition and workshops concerning methods of using databases to access scientific and medical articles in various search interfaces for students and faculty members in Health Sciences Center (HSC) faculties; Medicine, Allied Health Sciences, Dentistry, Pharmacy, and Public Health, from the 4th till the 6th of November.

The Director of the HSCLA Mrs. Layali Khazaal states that this activity highlighted the essence of those databases which represent the latest research results of scientific and medical articles and researches of international publishers. She explained that some of these databases are related to Evidence Based Medicine. She also added that the activity was organized to introduce library attenders to several electronic resources and databases such as The Cochrane Library and The Essential Evidence Plus. In addition to databases that contain electronic medical books like Oxford Medicine Online. She pointed out that in collaboration with the local vendor “Virtus National” and the publisher “Elsevier”, the library organized a training workshop on method of using the Science Direct and Scopus databases to obtain required information for scientific research.

Khazaal declared while concluding her statement that the HSCLA and its staff are delighted to welcome students, faculty members, and researchers from Kuwait University as well as from the medical sector outside the institution from 7:00 a.m. till 9:00 p.m. She urged them to visit the library’s homepage to peruse electronic information resources.